jasa service /perbaikansemuah merek extech
jual semuah alat Baru moisture meter
PT.Karya Mandiri Instrument indonesia adalah supplier peralatan laboratorium baik eletronik maupun mekanik, serta berbagai macam instrument measurement, dengan didukung dari berbagai macam merk dari negara negara Eropa, US, dan beberapa negara di Asia seperti Korea, Japan dan Taiwan. Instrument yang kami sediakan seperti : Hach,Hanna instrument,extech,eutech,ohaus,davis instruemnt,fluke,dwyer,kyoritsu,alat ukur,alat kesehatan,megger,lutron,GE Druck,constant,irtek,raytech,ebro,dekko,hioki,Atago,sanwa,az instrument,Garmin gps,kett,GFL,Kern,Honeywell,IKA,MEMMERT Oven,Hozan,APPA,Anemometer, Analitical Balance, Spectrophotometer, pHmeter, Laser survey, Micropipette, Peristaltic Pump, Flame photometer, Water bath heating cooling, Colorimeter, Water Strirer, Viscometer. Freezers, Refractometer, Polarimeter, Sound Level meter, Tachometer. Dll
Kami juga menerima jasa service ,Jasa service alat laboratorium
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Jasa serrvice alat kelistrikandan kalibrasi untuk peralatan laboratorium sesuai kemampuan kami.
Tags:Service semuah IKA Murah, IKA Jakarta, Agen IKA , IKA INDONESIA, IKA Distributor, IKA Berkualitas, Promo IKA , Supplier IKA , IKA Refair.Perbaikan rifair semuah IKA,macam macam service IKA,dll.
Agen Murah, Distributor Indonesia, BERBAGAI Merek alat alat Laboratorium Dan instrument sbb: RION, BestScope, Hioki, Extech, Davis, Weather Station, Fluke ,, Boeco, Constant, Hach, Brookfield, Irtek, GE Druck, Kett, Kyoritsu, Kern, Lutron, megger, Nytech, Ohaus, Schoot Instrumen, Hanna Instrument, Atago, AMPROBE, Ebro, Dwyer, Memmert, Eutech, Ika, Kanomak,dll.
Jasa Perbaikan / service Sbb:
service/Perbaikan Alat kesehatan,service /Perbaikan alat industri,service /Perbaikan Alat laboratorium,service alat ukur,Viscometer,RION, BestScope, Hioki, Extech, Davis, Weather Station, Fluke ,, Boeco, Constant, Hach, Brookfield, Irtek, GE Druck, Kett, Kyoritsu, Kern, Lutron, megger, Nytech, Ohaus, Schoot Instrumen, Hanna Instrument, Atago, AMPROBE, Ebro, Dwyer, Memmert, Eutech, Ika, Kanomak,dll..
Jasa service alat laboratorium
Jasa service mesin alat industri
Jasa service alat kesehatan
jasa service alat ukur
Jasa serrvice alat kelistrikan
Quickly indicates the moisture content of materials with Pinless technology without damaging the surface Remote Pin-type probe ( MO290-P included) allows for contact moisture readings ( 3ft/ 0.9m cable length) Manually store/ recall up to 20 labeled readings Works on multiple wood types and other building materials Easy to read, large dual display with automatic backlight feature Simultaneously displays moisture value of wood or material being tested, Air Temperature, IR Temperature, or Humidity Pinless measurement depth to 0.75" ( 19mm) below the surface Programmable high/ low Moisture and Humidity alarms Designed with IR circuit to measure non-contact surface temperature; 8: 1 distance to spot ratio with 0.95 fixed emissivity Built-in Humidity/ Temperature probe measures Relative Humidity, Air Temperature plus Grains Per Pound ( GPP) / ( g/ kg) , Dew Point ( DP) , Vapor Pressure, and condensation point Fast Analog Bargraph, Min/ Max and Data Hold, Auto power off and low battery indication MeterLink™ Bluetooth transmitter wirelessly transmits moisture and humidity data to selected FLIR thermal imaging IR cameras to incorporate meter readings with thermal images Complete with pin moisture probe with cable, 9V battery and case