aksesoris laboratorium
HI 98402 measures fluoride from 0.05 mg/ L to 1.9 g/ L in 5 distinct scales. With autoranging, HI 98402 automatically selects the range that provides the best resolution. HI 98402 automatically compensates for temperature from -5 to 55° C using the optional HI 7662 stainless steel temperature probe. Both the temperature measured together with fluoride concentrations are displayed on the large LCD. Calibration is automatic at 1 or two points. The calibration points can be chosen among 1 mg/ L, 2 mg/ L, 10 mg/ L, 100 mg/ L and 1000 mg/ L. HI 98402 is supplied in a rugged carrying case complete with batteries that provide up to 200 hours of continuous operation.